Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fairness in the Session and Thanks to Lexmark

This has been a busy week for fairness in Kentucky. The anti-fairness folks across the state have geared up for the special legislative session, but it seems fair healthcare is safe for the moment. It seems now that there is some talk between the Governor and House leadership lined up for tomorrow. The beat goes on… stay tuned to the KFA website for informaiton about how you can help protect healthcare for all of Kentucky's families.

With all the stress this week, there is good news. I am pleased to say one of Kentucky’s corporations with a history of supporting fairness has again agreed to sponsor the statewide fairness gala. Lexmark ( agreed to become a Patron of the 3rd Annual Dinner of the Kentucky Fairness Alliance. THANK YOU! Your support is greatly appreciated and I look forward to seeing you on Nov. 10th.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the annual fairness gala, please contact Executive Director Christina Gilgor at or myself for a prospectus.


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