Saturday, October 6, 2007

Friday night and Saturday's luncheon

Hey, everyone. I made it to DC fine yesterday. Of course, I had a little drama (because - well - I'm me), but nothing major. Have you ever seen an ink pen explode on an airplane? Well, MIND DID! I had red ink everywhere... my hand was stained red all yesterday afternoon, which provided for some interesting conversations. I was able to spend some time with a dear friend of mine, Jeff, yesterday upon arrival. I had never met his partner and so we went for a walk down to his office. Thanks, Jeff, for my gift that you bought me. I really appreciate it and I'll be sure to use whenever you and Jody Shalane bump into each other. Last night, Vic Basile and I joined former HRC president Elizabeth Birch and HRC co-founder and Board member Terry Bean for dinner. We went to a really nice little place called Nage. This was a very interesting and engaging time. Afterwards, Vic, Terry, and I made our way over to the HRC Board dinner for a quick stop for them to talk some business. After that we hung out and got some drinks - had a little fun. Oh, yesterday the Americans for Prosperity group was also meeting at the Mayflower Hotel (where the HRC Board meetings are held). Throughout the day the republican candidates for Presidents were parading through giving speeched. FUNNY, huh? We had a good conversations with one of their folks over drinks last night... nothing like watching folks that have been involved in this movement for 30 years go head-to-head on some of the issues. Can I have another drink, please?

Today, I attended the major donors luncheon at the Mayflower where Susan Stanton, former city manager of Largo, FL, ( addressed the HRC Board members and major donors. I was able to meet her and talk for a little bit. I'll attach a picture that I got with her and Terry (check out that AMPER&AND). I cried during her talk. Yea, I know, cry baby - but it was really moving for me. I really admire her and can only ask her to remain strong.

Okay, I'm going to rest for a little bit before I have to get ready for the big gala this evening. Chat later...


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Jeff said...

Jody, we loved having you in DC. Come visit again soon!wol

jodycofer said...

Awww... I loved seeing you. Thank you for everything. We always seem to have a good time - oh- thanks for the gift and our little Chinese store experience. ~Jody